As a business leader, you routinely jump into experiences that are new to you. And when things don’t go exactly as planned, it can help to know you’re not alone. There’s even a term for it: “failing forward.”

In addition to Michael Jordan missing 9,000+ shots, Albert Einstein wasn’t able to speak until he was 4-years-old and his teacher said he would “never amount to much.” Oprah Winfrey was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she “wasn’t fit for television.” And Decca Recording Studios rejected the Beatles because they said we “don’t like their sound – they have no future in show business.” So what do all these people have in common? They’ve all taken risks and leveraged their mistakes in order to learn, grow, and succeed.

There’s a framework to make periods of trial and error easier to endure. It’s called the “Hierarchy of Competence” developed by Noel Burch of Gordon Training International in the 1970’s. Briefly, the model works like this:

The Four Learning Levels of Competence 

  • Unconscious Incompetence When we do something new, we’re unaware of the mistakes we’re making. We don’t know what we don’t know.
  • Conscious Incompetence After receiving feedback, we enter the most stressful stage because we’re now aware we’re error-prone.
  • Conscious Competence As we persist through the discomfort, we now know we’re succeeding, but with a great deal of mental effort.
  • Unconscious Competence As we keep investing time and energy in developing our skills, we achieve success readily and with much less effort.

A good analogy is learning to drive. When we begin, we consider (and sweat) every detail. After years of driving, we don’t think about it, it’s as if we’ve always been behind the wheel!

So, when taking on a new challenge and trying out new behaviors, rather than interpret the discomfort as failing, choose a growth mindset and view it as failing forwards and gaining new competencies. And take heart in this quote from Robert F. Kennedy: “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”

Further Reading

Failing Forward: Turning Mistakes into Stepping Stones for Success – John C. Maxwell
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success – Carol S. Dweck

“I truly do feel that my coaching sessions with Debra allowed me to evolve both as a manager and as a person. She took both inward and outward-looking approaches; assigned self-reflective exercises to define my core values and an outward focus on techniques to build relationships with my team, ensuring I create an environment of support and trust for them.”

— Melissa Carmichael, former Product Design Manager at SurveyMonkey

“The great value in Debra’s coaching lies in her highly personalized suggestions. There are many principles in good management, but which ones are most applicable to you? Debra’s style felt more akin to “massaging” the issue with me until the concepts fell clearly into place. This made me feel greater ownership over the solutions and made me confident that she was always addressing what was most important to me.”

— David Lee, Ph.D., Head of Assay Development at Color

“I have recently been promoted to a managerial role. As I navigate in this unknown territory I am very appreciative of the great insights, guidance, help, support, feedback, and encouragement I receive from my coach Debra. She is a great listener and she selflessly invests in my development and growth. She shares resources with me to help me brainstorm, learn and practice new skills. I always walk away feeling encouraged and positive. I feel blessed to have this opportunity and to have been paired up with such an amazing coach and mentor.“

— Aleksandra Doeing, Senior Manager at Capital One

“I value Debra for her insight into difficult situations. She is amazing at actively listening and teasing out an actionable plan. She has also helped me craft team building activities for an amazing offsite that helped bring my team closer.”

— Xin Yang, Engineering Manager Fleet Firmware, Samsara

Debra’s coaching skills are profoundly effective. She asks the challenging questions and helped me to find the solutions that worked for me. Her approach is both persistent and graceful and she knows just when to challenge and when to encourage with her positivity. The coaching with Debra has been a valuable investment in improving the way I work and the final results.”

— Nina Mullen, Founder and Landscape Designer, Mullen Designs

“Debra is an excellent coach. She came at the right moment and with the right approach. Her capacity as a listener and her very precise feedback when asked, allowed me to find clarity in a very delicate moment.“

— Alejandro Pacheco, UN Development Programme

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